Ah, a phrase with many meanings! However, in this instance, it’s in reference to your dental insurance benefits. It’s getting to be that time of year again to assess your dental needs in relation to the insurance benefits you have remaining for 2012. Use it or lose it. If you don’t take full advantage of your insurance allowance for this year, you will lose it. This will potentially result in more out-of-pocket expense for you in 2013.

This is especially important for those of you who haven’t seen us in the past year. You will be delighted to know that we have since renovated all our treatment rooms, sterilization area, laboratory and bathrooms, all this with your comfort in mind. This continues our tradition of providing our patients the best state-of-the-art dentistry in a relaxed and caring atmosphere.

My office will always do everything possible to maximize your insurance benefits. Please be sure to supply us with up-to-date insurance information and addresses to avoid delays in processing your claims.

In order for you to take full advantage of your dental insurance it is wise to call our office now, at 516-378-8600, to make an appointment. This will enable any treatment you may need to be completed during this calendar year.

As always, our convenient office hours are Tuesday and Wednesday
12 PM to 9 PM, Thursday and Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM and Saturday from 8:00 AM until 12:30 PM.